Conference Documentation:
mp3-Audio: Speeches of the Conference / Konferenzreden
Pictures (
ECRR Handbook (Dr. Chris Busby) with full TOC and index done by Dr. Ross Wilcock:
Poster: "Abolish DU / Deadly Uranium Weapons"
The Poster designed by Bonnie Urfer from Nukewatch can be ordered at following address:
Nukewatch / P.O. Box 649 / Luck, Wisc. 54853 /
Speakers / Referentinnen und Referenten
Scientists / Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler
Prof. Dr. Al-Aboudi Abdul Kadhum, Algeria
Depleted Uranium And Its Impact On Animals and Environment in Iraq and Algeria
Dr. Jawad Al-Ali
Dr. Souad Al-Azzawi, Iraq, Recipient of the prestigious international 2003 Nuclear Free Future Award,
and 10 000 Euro prize
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Biography (german) / Biographie (deutsch)
Dr. Chris Busby, Great Britain
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Biography (german) / Biographie (deutsch)
Dr. Ralf Cüppers, Germany
Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti, Italy
Prof. Siegwart-Horst Gunther, Germany
Dr. Genan Hassan, Iraq
Prof. Mohammed Daud Miraki, Afghanistan
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Biography (german) / Biographie (deutsch)
The Silent Genocide from America, June 2003
The Perpetual Death from America, 24-02-2003
The New Paradigm of Forced Socioeconomic Underdevelopment
Afghan DU & Recovery Fund:
Leuren Moret, USA
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
"Shock and Awe": The Pentagon's fiery crucibiles of war (March 10, 2003)
Press Release (April 25, 2003)
Presseerklärung Release (25. April 2003)
U.S. Nuclear Policy and Depleted Uranium (June 28, 2003) (Audio)
Dr. Doug Rokke, USA$61 (Audio) (Audio)
Heike Schröder, Germany
⟞ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ⟝
❁ Prof. Alim Yacoub, Iraq ❁
Dedication… While in the process of editing these Proceedings, we (staff, 2003) received notice of the sudden and tragic death of Dr. Alim Yacoub of Iraq.
Dr. Yacoub was killed in a car accident, along with his son, while driving from Baghdad to Basrah on January 31, 2004. Dr. Alim Yacoub was a Professor of Community Medicine and former Dean at the Al Mustansiriya College of Medicine. He is survived by a wife and two children.
Dr. Yacoub was a well known researcher on the DU issue. He had been invited to present at the Hamburg Conference in October. He tried twice to cross the border from Iraq to Jordan, but was not successful. The paper we include in this Proceedings is from his study, and we believe his important work should not be forgotten.
We dedicate these Proceedings to the memory of Dr. Yacoub, and to his work, which has advanced the struggle and effort of so many others on this issue.
⟞ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ⟝
Prof. Katsuma Yagasaki, Japan
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Depleted Uranium Shells, The Radioactive Weapons
Veterans / Veteranen
Ray Bristow, Great Britain,12820,887957,00.html,3858,4597420,00.html
Patricia Rodriguez, Spain
Patricia's boyfriend Antonio (picture on the right side) died due to a extremely accute leukemia after he was sent to Kosovo
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Philip Steele, Australia
17 January 1991 - The date marking the first day of the Air War against Iraq
Nibby David , Great Britain
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Henk van der Keur, Netherlands, Laka Foundation, Documentation and Research Centre on Nuclear Energy
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
International Law / Internationales Recht
Solange Fernex und Michel Fernex, France, member of IPPNW Switzerland, member of Abolition 2000
Health Effections of Ionizing Radiation Released by Incorporated Radionuclides (Chernobyl/DU etc)
Manfred Mohr, Germany, IALANA
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Biography (german) / Biographie (deutsch)
Karen Parker, USA
Prof. Christian P. Scherrer, Japan, Hiroshima Peace Institute, HPI-HUC
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Biography (german) / Biographie (deutsch)
International Tribunal on Crimes Committed by US-UK Against Iraq: Mission statement
Anti-DU Campaigners / Anti-DU Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten
Davey Garland, Great Britain, Pandora DU Research Project
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Nobuo Kazashi, Japan
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Biography (german) / Biographie (deutsch)
NO DU Hiroshima Project:
3.2 Hiroshima NO WAR NO DU Human Message put in the New York Times, March 24, 2003
Pauline Rigby, Australia, DUSK, Depleted Uranium Silent Killer
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Rae Street, Great Britain, CADU
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Independent / Unabhängige
Piotr Bein, Canada
Uranium Weapons Cover-ups in Our Midst
Alfredo Embid, Spain
Biography (german) / Biographie (deutsch)
Dai Williams, Great Britain
Moderators / Moderatorinnen und Moderatoren
Felicity Arbuthnot, Great Britain
Claus Biegert, Germany, Nuclear Free Future Award
Xanthe Hall, Germany, IPPNW,1367,MAG-0-2035493,00.html
Marion Küpker, Germany, GAAA
Sunny Miller, Traprock Peace Center
Regrets received / Entschuldigte Rednerinnen und Redner
Christine Abdelkrim-Delanne, France
Prof. Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash, Iraq
Felicity Arbuthnot, Pack of lies, The Ecologist, July/August 2003
Is US covering up DU impacts in Iraq?, The Ecologist, July/August 2003
Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky, imprisoned in Minsk, Belarus, Expert on radiation exposure caused by the Chernobyl accident
Manifesto for Pr. Bandazhevsky's Release and Freedom of Research
Prof. Rosalie Bertell, Canada (unable to come because of illness)
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Hervé Desplat, France
Prof. Durakovic, Uranium Medical Research Centre
Explanation for UMRC Withdrawal from the Conference
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch)
Biography (german) / Biographie (deutsch) (Audio)
Dr. Malcolm Hooper, Great Britain,12820,887961,00.html
Masako Ito, Japan, DU Center Japan
Tedd Weyman, Field Investigations’ Team Lead, Uranium Medical Research Centre
Explanation for UMRC Withdrawal from the Conference
Biography (english) / Biographie (englisch) (Audio)
Others / Weitere
Beatrice Boctor
Bernice Boermans
Helen Caldicott, USA
Ramsey Clark
Leonard Dietz
Dr. Bogdan Jamedzija, Bosnia
Michio Kaku, USA
Dr. Miroslav Kopecni, Serbia
Francesco Lannuzelli, Italy, Peacelink
Dr. Eisuke Matsui, MD, Gifu Research Institute for Environmental Medicine Physician for Respiratory Diseases, Radiologist
Inge Schmitz-Feuerhacke
Edward DeSutter, Holland
Too many babies without eyes in Irak
Summary of Event
The following text as Acrobat-PDF-document
World Depleted/Uranium Weapons Conference
We are preparing a World Uranium Weapons Conference to do work on a new and in some ways more prevalent and immediate nuclear threat: the issue of organizing an international campaign seeking the official ban of uranium weapons and their classification as weapons of mass destruction.
For some years activists have faced the problem that the U.S. and British government are producing and upgrading their weapon systems containing uranium. With these also-radioactive weapons the boundaries between conventional and nuclear weapons becomes completely obscured. Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United States writes,
"DU weapons are not conventional weapons. They are highly toxic, radioactive weapons. All international law on warfare has attempted to limit violence to combatants and to prevent the use of cruel unfocussed weapons….Consequently, DU weapons violate international law because of their inherent cruelty and unconfined death dealing effect. They threaten civilian populations now and for generations to come."
Under pressure from activist groups the military itself was reluctantly forced to admit that huge amounts of uranium weapons (320 t DU) got used for the first time in southern Iraq in 1991, 3 t in Bosnia and 10 t in Serbia and Kosovo. Credible independent researchers believe that some 1000 t uranium was used in the bombing in Afghanistan, and at least that the same amount is expected in the recent war in Iraq. Experts from all allied NATO countries are observing an increase of the so-called Gulf and Balkan War Syndrome amongst veterans, which some link to the use of uranium ammunitions. Leading international independent researchers believe that exposure to DU during the 1991 Gulf War are responsible for the majority of the current, ongoing medical problems reported by over 260,000 returning veterans (one-third of all the troops participating in that war!), a rate with dire implications for future wars and conflicts where these weapons were recently and further intended to be used.
The uranium isotope used in DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. DU and other uranium weapons are weapons with indiscriminate effects, causing genetic damage and by this endangering over generations the human race as a whole. Articles 35 and 56 of the Geneva Convention clearly prohibit weapons which are this indiscriminate and catastrophic in their effects on civilian populations, suggesting that their use could legally constitute war crimes.
The governments using DU ammunition deny the link of these weapons with the illnesses and are lobbying hard to make a large, scientifically credible inquiry in Iraq impossible. They even try to hide the information of which kinds of weapons contain uranium today.
Cancer rates in Iraq have increased dramatically over the rates noted before the Gulf War of 1991. A planned study supposed to be done by the UN was turned down in December 2001 under the pressure of the U.S. government. Also scientific magazines infrequently publish the results of smaller independent studies (1). This whole situation brought quite some irritation inside the scientific circle and inside the peace activist movement. For example the results of two recent studies which have already calculated the cumulative dose effects to both Iraqi civilians and Allied and Iraqi troops during the Gulf War if 1991 are not well known among the larger international medical, health and scientific communities; while at the same time, reports by government bodies who use DU ammunitions are well publicised, distributed and give the impression that no or little effect exists.
We believe a World Uranium Weapons Conference is needed to bring together the scientific experts with their independent studies and the peace, veterans, and anti-nuclear movements to get updated and have the results of their studies and their work combined. The Conference will also include extra time for the conference members to combine existing information, and to discuss the need for creating, conducting and funding their own additional independent, peer-reviewed, international study on the health hazards caused by the use of uranium weapons worldwide. Specifically, attention must be given to Iraq before the data is lost or corrupted by the occupation. Because many governments have the stated agenda of perpetuating uranium weapons, their conclusions about uranium weapons effects are not reliable or acceptable. Therefore, the independent international non-governmental movements will have to be responsible for the huge costs of this kind of study, which cannot be done by a single country or organisation.
Ideally such a study should be conducted or co-ordinated by WHOWHO´s operations are potentially compromised by its constitutional obligations to the IAEA with its strong obligations tothe nuclear lobby. The WHO is not allowed to publish results without the consensus of the IAEA. The results of any study done by WHO on DU or other uranium weapons issues therefore should be highly suspect in its credibility. It therefore becomes the additional responsibility of our movements to constantly review and publicly critique all governmental claims on these issues.
Full-scale independent peer review of existing data, continued independent study, and a unified plan of action will lead to the evidence needed to get uranium weapons officially banned by the international community.
Thank you for your consideration of this project. We welcome your future interest and involvement.
For peace,
Marion Kuepker
Co-Coordinator, GAAA
World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference -
Co-Coordinator Marion Kuepker, Germany, ph. +49 40 4307332,
Gewaltfreie Aktion Atomwaffen Abschaffen,
[The Gewaltfreie Aktion Atomwaffen Abschaffen - GAAA - is a German non-governmental organisation dedicated to the total abolition of nuclear weapons. GAAA observes and pressures the nuclear weapon states to fulfil their obligation under international law and treaties to start to abolish their nuclear weapons. The U.S. government has deployed B-61 nuclear bombs in seven different European countries and has also stationed Thunderbolt warplanes with depleted uranium ammunition in Germany, Italy and elsewhere. We organise actions on civil disobedience at these military bases in Germany, and conduct public hearings to inform the German population. Besides this we do lobby work and network with affiliated groups in Europe and throughout the world.]
(1) Dr. Souad N. Al–Azzawi, Environmental Damages Resulting from Using Depleted Uranium Weaponry against Iraq During 1991 Aggression by USA and its Allies; also, Prof. Asaf Durakovic, M.D., Urinary Excretion of Uranium Isotopes in the Gulf War Veterans After Inhalation Exposure to Depleted Uranium, Eleventh International Congress of Radiation Research, Dublin, Ireland, July 18-23, 1999; Urinary Excretion of Uranium Isotopes in British, Canadian and United States Gulf War Veterans, European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Paris, September 2-6, 2000.
(c) Copyright Piotr Bein and Karen Parker, 2003. All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to post this text on non-commercial community internet sites, provided the source and the URL are indicated, the paper remains intact and the copyright note is displayed.
To publish this text in printed and/or other forms, including commercial internet sites and excerpts, contact Piotr Bein at and Karen Parker at
Donation / Spende
Kurzinfo und Spendenaufruf zur Konferenz (PDF)
Conference short and funding appeal (german, PDF)
Account for Donations / Spendenkonto
Förderverein Frieden
Account Number / Kontonummer: 563 131 004
Bank: Volksbank Stuttgart (Germany)
Bank Code / BLZ: 600 910 00
Memo / Stichwort: GAAA-Uranwaffenkonferenz
(The donations are tax deductible in Germany. / Die Spenden sind in Deuschland steuerabzugsfähig.)
Gewaltfreie Aktion Atomwaffen Abschaffen
Account Number / Kontonummer: 8019151200
(International Account Number / Internationale Kontonummer IBAN: DE57430609678019151200 )
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
Bank Code / BLZ: 43060967
Memo / Stichwort: Uraniumweaponsconference
Nuclear Energy Information Service -
Send checks payable to "NEIS," marked "DU Conference" in the memo field to:
NEIS, P.O. Box 1637, Evanston, IL 60204-1637, USA
(For tax-deductible donations in the USA, please contact Nuclear Energy Information Service in Evanston)
(OLD-ed) NEW - The "Next Step": Citizens Epidemiology Conference, May, 20-22, 2005:
Konferenz zur "Epidemiologie von unten"
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Visitors to LM:GNC
Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup
- ❁ Currents
- ⚛ Radiation Omnicide 👥
- 🎥 UC, Davis, Katehi, Illuminati ✠
- 🌎✟☦ One World Religion 🎭
- ♞ Atlanticists v. Putin et al ⚪️
- ✈️ 3 NWO False Flags Connected ➷
- 🔪Ukrainian ✠ Wikileaks 👀 Interview 🎥
- 🚫 Out of Eurasia 🚫
- 💀 Jade Helm, International Implications, NWO Rollouts ⏰
- 🌿 Essential Oils, Nutrition, Frequencies & Health 🌺
- 🎯 R.F.D.E. | H.A.A.R.P. | N.L.P. ⚡️
- ⚛ Leuren Moret: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima ⚛
- ❦ Moret & Battis: Jade Helm ❦
- 🌎 New World Order America 🇺🇸
- ⨳ Geopolitics Ukraine | E.U. Judo 🌍
- 👥 Template: Jade Helm
- ✠ America’s Domestic Pacification ✠
- ♨️ Chernobyl, Zaporozhye, Blackmail ⚛
- 👤 Eurasian Enigma Arises
- 🔴 Donetsk Nuclear Explosion ⚫️
- 🌍 21st Century Silk Road 🌏
- 🌍 Africa ☗
- ♞ Balkans, The Nameless Triangle
- 🌏 China 🌝
- 🌍 Eurasia 🔴
- 💣 Israel: Out of Erupt!
- ✠ Jesuits/Templar’s Origins & Aims
- 👺 SOROS ✠ NWO 📚 Hacked ✍
- ➴ Pyatt’s ✠ SOROS ♞ Breakfast 🍳
- Breedlove, GOOD RIDDANCE
- 🎱 Obama’s $3 Billion Eurocon 💸
- 🌍 A Psychopath’s Psychopath ✠
- 🔫 Global Hit Squad 💣
- 💀 Neo-Capitalist’s Slave Trade 💰
- 🇺🇸 Bio: Undermine Control
- ↷ Fine Evening For A Minuet ↶
- ✠ Slavery, Then & Now
- 💣 JCS Operation Northwoods
- ✠ The Three Secret Meetings
- Korea Yeonhee (연희) Nuclear Kabuki Theatre
- 🌍 Middle East 💣
- 💣 ISIL: Battered, Retreating 💀
- 🔥 Turkish Coup Attempt 💣
- ⚑ Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS ⚫️
- 🔫💰💉Daesh Terrorist Multi-Tool🔪💣💊
- 🚧 US and Turkey, NWO the Kurds 💸
- ✠ Hitler Bragged on Jesuits ✠
- 🍞 Their Daily Bread & Rubble 💣
- 🔪“Erdogan is Strengthening ISIS”💣
- 🇫🇷 Russia Reveals ISIS’ Money 💰💰
- "Raqqa's Rockefellers” ISIS Full Frontal
- ☞ Smashing Turkey’s Game❌
- 🌍 Juncker | E.U. | Direction ⤣
- 🔪 GLADIO Wolf Kills Russian Pilot ✈︎
- ✈︎ Washington’s SU-24 🎯
- 🌐 Turkey, NATO, War Crime? 🔎
- ➷ 449-Down, ISIL to Go 💣
- 🌎 North America 🔥✠
- 🇷🇺 Russia 🇷🇺
- ☛ Who Created ISIS ☚
- 🍳 Food Supply Compromised 🎱
- 🌍 Putin re Ceasefire Syria 🌐
- 👤 Cold War Re-Run 👀
- 🌐 Minsk 101 | Theatre of the Absurd 🌍
- 🌐 Geopolitical Original Sin 🌍
- ♘ Russian Troops | Turkish Border ♘
- 📚 Educating Charlie Rose 🔑
- 🌍 Lavrov's Munich Speech
- 🎱 US Embassy Media Fail 🎭
- ✠ ♛🃏 Putin’s Jar Of Spiders
- 📄 This Document is Dynamite 📄
- ♔ The Golden Trap
- ❁ Russian Fusion-Fission
- ❁ Putin’s 7-Point Plan
- ❁ Russian Position Speech
- ✈︎ Ukraine, MH-17, Jesuits Flagged! BRICS Undermined?
- ⏰ Ukraine? 🔥 Bail Out! ✈️
- 💦👤 Psychotropic Zombification ☔️
- 💣 Odessa Trade Union Murders 🔥
- 🃏 Nothing Personal, Just Business 💰
- 💉 BioWeapons for Depopulation 💀
- ⚛ Nuclear Coverup Ukraine | Mines of Zholti Vody 💀
- 🔥 Unsustainable Ukraine 👥
- 🔪Ukrainian Wikileaks 👀
- ☞ Dispatches From the Front 🔫
- 💣 The Ukrainian Failed State 🌍
- 🔑 Our Decisions Define Us🔑
- ✠ Child Abuse 💀
- 💣 Mozgovoi’s Murder 🔪
- 🎱 Yatsenyuk's Russian Threat 🔮
- ||| Prison Ukraine |||
- ✍ CyberBerkut Reports 👥
- ♨️ Crazy Arseniy’s -USED- Ukraine Fire Sale! ♨️
- 👤 Eyewitness Debaltsevo Cauldron 💀
- ✍ Historic Slaviansk Doctor Interviewed
- 💀 The Tragedy of Uglegorsk
- ♟ Jan. 2015 Minsk Fail 🃏
- ➷ Tochka Found, Debaltsevo Locked
- 🌍 World Facing Second Chernobyl
- ✈︎ MH-17 AND THE Jesuit Minuet
- ✈︎ MH-17, Jesuits Flagged!, Video
- 💀 Death’s Drummers
- 👤 DPR! Novorossiya Calling
- 💀 Ukraine’s Chernobyl Armor
- 🎱 Gas to Ukraine Blocked
- ❁ Global Nuclear Theatre: Donbass
- ✠ GHOSTS of the 51st BRIGADE
- ❁ Novorossiya: Strelkov Briefing
- 👤 Open Letter to President Putin
- ✈︎ MH-17 Dutch Interim Report
- 💣 Surrendering UA Murdered by Punatives
- ♟ Mutiny of the Euro-Integrators ♟
- ➹ View from Ukraine Operating Room
- ❁ Ukraine’s Violent Escalation
- ❁ Ukrainian Soldier’s Cry for Help
- ⧱ Occupied Ukraine ⧱
- ❁ US State's Nuland Directs Ukrainian Coup
- 📯 Ukraine Deputies Knew Before Maidan
- ❁ Health In 2015
- 💉 Vaccines 💀
- 🎥 Geopolitics, Jesuits & History
- 🎥 Rebranded ✠ The Jesuits ✠
- ⚛ Zaporhyze Nuclear Events & Geopolitics
- ❁ Fukushima Polar Vortex Radiation ❁
- 💀 Embrace, Enfold, Extinguish
- ✈︎ Fear of Flying . . . (1of4)
- ❁ Fukushima: Impact of Fallout On Oceans (Pt.1)
- ❁ Fukushima: Impact of Fallout On Oceans (Pt. 2)
- ❁ North America, Middle East and Fukushima
- ❁ DHS/Napolitano Berkeley Template
- ❁ Fukushima Radiation, Ecocide & Tesla Technology
- ✈︎ Flight 370 Downing
- ✈︎ MH370: The Follow-Up
- ❁ Domestic Radiation Issues
- ❁ Fukushima: Hawaii, Pacific Is. - Unsafe
- ⚛ Fukushima Reactors, Breakdown 1-6 ⚛
- 🌏 International Sites Featuring LM:GNC
- ❁ On To Mongolia 🎥
- 🎥 LKM On Fairdinkum Media 🎥
- ❁ Editorial Page
- ❁ Conversations 📬
- ❁ Waves
- ⚛ Radiation Around The Nation 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #73/74, Sep 10 - 24, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #71/72, Aug 27 - Sep 10, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #69/70, July 30 - August 13, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #67/8,--July 16-30, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #65-6,--July 2-16, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #64, July 2-9, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #62-3, June 18 - July 2, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #61, June 11-18, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #60, June 4-11, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #59, May 28 - June 4, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #58, May 21-28, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #57, May 14-21, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #56, May 7-14, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #55, Apr 30 - May 7, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #54, Apr 23-30, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #53, Apr 16-23, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #52, Apr 9-16, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #51, Apr 2-9, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #47-50, Mar 5 - Apr 2, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #46, Feb 27-Mar 5, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #45, Feb 20-27, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #44, Feb 13-20, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #43, Feb 6-13, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #42, Jan 30 - Feb 6, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #41, Jan 23-30, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #40, Jan 16-23, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #39, Jan 9-16, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #38, Jan 2-9, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #37, Dec 26 - Jan 2, 2015|16 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #36, Dec 19-26, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #35, Dec 12-19, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #34, Dec 5-12, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #33, Nov 28 - Dec 5, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #32, Nov 21-28, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #31, Nov 14-21, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #30, Nov 7-14, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #29, Oct 31 - Nov 7, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #28, Oct 24-31, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #27, Oct 17-24, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #26, Oct 10-17, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #25, Oct 3-10, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #24, Sep 26 - Oct 2, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #23, Sep 19-26, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #22, Sep 12-19, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #21, Sep 5-12, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #20, Aug 29 -Sep 5, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #19, Aug 22-29, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #18, Aug 15-22, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #17, Aug 8-15, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, August 1-8, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, July 24-31, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, June 26 - July 24, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, June 19-26, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, June 12-19, 2015 🌏
- ⚛ Your Radiation, June 5-12, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 29 - June 5, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 22-29, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 15-22, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 8-15, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 2-8, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, April 24 - May 1, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, April 17-24, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, April 9-16, 2015 🌎
- 🔥 Fire at Oak Ridge 💥
- 🐄 Radioactive Cattle Teeth, Fukushima 🏭
- 📰 WikiLeaks 🔎 NSA and More 🔦
- ✨Nano ‘Hall of Mirrors’⚡️
- ⚛ 💀 ⚛ into the Hudson River 🌎
- 🚿 Flint, Metropolitan Eugenics 💀
- 🌍 Existential Threat? ☛NATO☚
- 💉 Gates, Poroshenko; Conspiracy, Government 🎯
- 💉 Gates-Poroshenko ZPG Ukraine 💀
- 💀 Paris Massacre Perpetrators 👤
- 🔪 Delgado, Mind Control ♟
- 🎯 Radio Frequency Directed Energy 🎯
- ⚛ Please, Don’t Pick the Mutants 🌻
- ⨳👤⨳ Space-Based Weapons Ban
- √ Saudi OP Strategy Success
- ♨️ Gallery ♨️ Chernobyl Fire ♨️ 2015 ♨️
- 🌍 Monsanto Backdoors E.U.
- 🎉 Crimea’s 1st Anniversary Album 🎉
- 🌏 21st Century Eschalon
- 📰 International Headline Watch 🌏
- ✄ Prouty Place ✑ CUT THE BULL ✂︎
- 🌏 How To Wreck The Environment
- 🇯🇵 Plutonium Isotopes Off Japan
- 🌍 Depopulation Agenda: Europe 👤
- 🔪💉Cease Covert Depopulation Letter🔪💉
- ❁ Dutch Apologize for MH-17 Lies
- ❁ Pacific Dead from Fukushima
- ❁ Strange Fish Story
- ❁ Blood Composition of Monkeys Altered Near Fukushima
- ❁ Secret Army Bases
- ⚛ Fukushima Plutonium Effect ⚛
- ➷ RAND Demographic Military Power ➷
- ⚛ Depleted Uranium | DNA Damage ⚛
- ❁ Hidden Genocide: by Dr. Ernest Sternglass
- ❁ Space Preservation Act of 2001
- ❁ 1972 Rothschild Ball
- ❁ Unsafe Radwaste Disposal
- ♆ Fallout and Reproduction of Ocean Fish Populations
- ⚛ Radiation Around The Nation 🌎
- ❁ Lifestyle
- ❁ Archive
- ⚛ 61 Years of Omnicide ⚛
- 📻 Nanoparticle Toxicity with Leuren Moret ❦
- ❁ New Bombs and War Crimes in Fallujah
- ❁ Global Climate Change . . .
- ⚛ International Radiation Distribution ⚛
- 💀 Depleted Uranium’n’DNA 😱
- ❁ UC Regents Lose Nuke Pgm
- ❁ DU-Trojan Horse
- ❁ LM:GNC (Pt1)
- ❁ LM:GNC (Pt2)
- ❁ World Uranium Weapons Conference 2003
- ⚛ Radionuclide ReMobilization Abatement
- ❁ "America First" Transcription
- ❁ "Whale Archive" Transcription
- ⚛ ⚛ ⚛ Location, Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup ⚛ ⚛ ⚛
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