🎥 Rebranded ✠ The Jesuits

The Individual Surrounded -black chess, bombs & clocks

✠ The Jesuits in Geopolitics - Leuren Moret ✠

Ep 584 from Fairdinkum Radio  | Thursday, January 22, 2015

Leuren Moret joins us to discuss the history and influence of the Jesuits - The Society of Jesus or the Vatican Assassins within geopolitics, economy and religion worldwide.

Together we discuss the bloodlines of ancient families including the Astor, Hapsburg, Palhavichini, Brokenspear, Kerry, Albright, Clinton's and others. We discuss the ancient battleground in Ukraine and the diverse culture being destroyed by the Jesuits running the CIA and the Pentagon.

We discuss the use of Cultural Marxism to destroy culture, and color revolutions funded by Soros and run by Nuland and other. We discuss the Jesuit MO in overthrowing nations in history and today.


The Individual Surrounded -black chess, bombs & clocks

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Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup

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